
FabLearn Labs

FabLearn Labs are a growing network of educational digital fabrication spaces around the world. These labs, developed in collaboration with K12 schools and university partners internationally, put digital fabrication and other cutting-edge technology for design and construction into the hands of middle and high school students.

Paulo Blikstein, who began researching digital fabrication in education in 2004 as part of his PhD. work, created the FabLearn Lab concept (originally known as FabLab@School) as an Assistant Professor in 2008, and designed the first-ever digital fabrication lab at a School of Education.

FabLearn Lab Locations and Affiliates

  • Stanford University campus (California, USA)
  • Moscow (Russia) / Experimentarium 1502 MEI
  • Bangkok (Thailand) / Darunsikkhalai School for Innovative Learning
  • Palo Alto (California, USA) / Castilleja School
  • Barcelona (Spain) / Liceu Politecnic
  • Melbourne (Australia) / Lauriston Girls School
  • Guadalajara (Mexico) / University of Guadalajara
  • Aarhus (Denmark) / Aarhus University
  • East Palo Alto (California, USA) / East Palo Alto Academy and the Ravenswood Schools District
  • Warsaw (Poland) / Copernicus Science Centre
  • Helsinki (Finland) / University of Helsinki, Innokas Network