Meaningful Making Books


Meaningful Making 3: Projects and Inspirations for FabLabs and Makerspaces

Edited by Paulo Blikstein, Sylvia Libow Martinez, Heather Allen Pang

This book is a compilation of some of the work of the FabLearn Fellows and Senior FabLearn Fellows. Included are articles about making and fabrication in many different learning spaces, ideas for projects, reflections, curriculum integration strategies, and much more. Many of the articles and projects include resources for additional reading and exploration, and every FabLearn Fellow has a page on the FabLearn website ( where more projects, details, and contact information can be found.

About this book

Meaningful Making 3 is available for free as a downloadable PDF.
221 pages
Paperback book ISBN: 978-1-955604-12-3
Hardcover book ISBN: 978-1-955604-13-0

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Meaningful Making: Projects and Inspirations for FabLabs and Makerspaces

Edited by Paulo Blikstein, Sylvia Libow Martinez, Heather Allen Pang

This book contains project ideas, articles, and best practices from educators at the forefront of making and hands-on education. The Stanford University FabLearn Fellows are a group of K­-12 educators teaching in Fab Labs, makerspaces, classrooms, libraries, community centers, and museums—all with the goal of making learning more meaningful.

In this book, the FabLearn Fellows share inspirational ideas from their learning spaces, assessment strategies and recommended projects across a broad range of age levels. Illustrated with color photos of real student work, the Fellows take you on a tour of the future of learning, where children make sense of the world by making things that matter to them and their communities.  

Meaningful Making 2

Meaningful Making 2: Projects and Inspirations for Fab Labs and Makerspaces

Edited by Paulo Blikstein, Sylvia Libow Martinez, Heather Allen Pang, and Kevin Jarrett

Meaningful Making 2 is a second volume of projects and strategies from the Columbia University FabLearn Fellows. This diverse group of leading K–12 educators teach in Fab Labs, makerspaces, classrooms, libraries, community centers, and museums—all with the goal of making learning more meaningful for every child.

A learning revolution is in the making around the world. Enthusiastic educators are using the new tools and technology of the maker movement to give children authentic learning experiences beyond textbooks and tests. The FabLearn Fellows work at the forefront of this movement in all corners of the globe.

In this book, the FabLearn Fellows share all new inspirational lesson ideas, strategies, and recommended projects across a broad range of age levels. Illustrated with color photos of real student work, the Fellows take you on a tour of the future of learning, where children make sense of the world by making things that matter to them and their communities. To read this book is to rediscover learning as it could be and should be—a joyous, mindful exploration of the world, where the ultimate discovery is the potential of every child.

About this book

Meaningful Making is available for free as a downloadable PDF, or in print at major online retailers. Proceeds of the print edition will be used to fund future FabLearn fellowships and activities for K-12 educators.

158 pages
Softcover ISBN: 978-0-9891511-9-1
Hardcover ISBN: 978-09975543-4-2
e-book ISBN: 978-0-9891511-2-2

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Print edition: | Barnes & Noble

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Open-source Korean language translation

About this book

Meaningful Making 2 is available for free (see below) as a downloadable PDF, or in print at major online retailers. Proceeds of the print edition will be used to fund future FabLearn fellowships and activities for K-12 educators.

248 pages
Softcover ISBN: 978-0-9994776-1-8
Hardcover ISBN: 978-0-9994776-2-5

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Print edition: | Barnes & Noble | major online retailers worldwide

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ebook-copyright These works are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Published by Constructing Modern Knowledge Press