Educator Roundtable B

Theme: Professional Development

When: Saturday, October 15, 1:45 – 3:25pm

Where: Room 527 – CERAS Building, Stanford


  • Making Across the Curriculum
    Zack Dowell, Folsom Lake College Innovation Center

Folsom Lake College is a public Community College in Folsom, CA.  The college’s Innovation Center, a faculty instructional R&D lab and emerging makerspace, has focused on Making Across the Curriculum, an ongoing effort with three main components:  (1)  the development and documentation of model digital fabrication projects from a variety of disciplines;  (2)  curriculum development for unique courses and certificates focused on making, and;  (3)  a faculty professional development maker bootcamp.  Community Colleges, as the largest system of higher education in the world, present a unique opportunity for maker-style learning experiences.  The Innovation Center’s focus on developing and documenting prototypes of unique maker activities, coupled with examples of our efforts to foster a local and regional culture and ecosystem of making can serve as examples for fellow educators to build upon.

  • Integrating Engineering Design Curriculum in Diverse K-12 Fab Labs
    Kenneth Welty, University of Wisconsin – Stout
    David Stricker, University of Wisconsin – Stout
    Randy Hulke, University of Wisconsin – Stout

The Discovery Center Fab Lab at UW Stout, Wisconsin’s Polytechnic University, is integrating digital technology with STEAM learning experiences to target the diverse needs of K-12 students. The State of Wisconsin is partnering with the Discovery Center to determine best practices among Wisconsin’s fab labs, to link the state’s fab labs to streamline communications, and to facilitate entry of new fab labs into the network statewide through in-service teacher professional development. The Discovery Center engaged UW Stout teacher education faculty in delivering a Fab Lab Retreat in summer 2016 to immerse teachers from throughout the state in engineering design to contextualize STEAM content and optimize fab lab environments.  This submission will highlight the results of this inaugural retreat and reveal the transformation and impact that engineering design concepts can bring to fab lab curriculum in a broad range of diverse educational settings.

  • Beyond the Workshop: A Different Model of  Professional Development for Maker Educators
    Angi Chau, Castilleja School
    Diego Fonstad, Castilleja School
    Mike Cummings, Castilleja School

In addition to offering students a variety of opportunities to experience making in diverse contexts, the Bourn Idea Lab at Castilleja School has also more recently started focusing attention on the community of educators on campus. To empower teachers as makers, we piloted an alternative model of professional development for the faculty through a year-long Bourn Teacher Fellows program. The Bourn Idea Lab is the maker lab of Castilleja School, an independent, all-girls school for grades 6 to 12 located in Palo Alto, California.